GBP JPY Live Analysis provides the latest technical analysis of the GBP/JPY (British Pound Sterling/Yen). You may find the analysis on a daily basis with forecasts for the global daily trend. You may also find live updates around the clock if any major changes occur in the currency pair.

GBP/JPY price - Last update: 2024-04-28 10:30AM UTC
GBPJPY Price Analysis Expected Scenario The GBPJPY pair succeeded to keep the bullish track despite the attempt of some major indicators to provide the negative momentum, to notice testing ...
GBPJPY Pair Analysis The GBPJPY pair took advantage of the frequent positive pressures to surpass 193.75 target and move to the next positive level, to notice its fluctuation near 194.02 now, ...
Suggested Scenarios and Trading Range Analysis Scenario: Sustained Bullish Momentum The GBPJPY pair has successfully activated the previously suggested bullish track, capitalizing on frequent ...
GBPJPY Pair Price Analysis Expected Scenario The GBPJPY pair provided more mixed trades due to the continuous contradiction between the major indicators, to notice testing the bullish ...
GBPJPY Pair Price Analysis Expected Scenario No change to the GBPJPY pair’s bullish track until this moment, due to the frequent stability above the minor bullish channel’s ...
GBPJPY Pair Analysis Expected Scenario The GBPJPY pair experienced sudden negative pressure, leading to a strong negative rebound and testing of the bullish channel's support line around ...
GBPJPY Pair Price Analysis Expected Scenario The GBPJPY pair's bullish track remains unchanged, fluctuating within the minor bullish channel. 190.65 level forms major support, while 191.70 ...
Expected Scenarios The GBPJPY pair started to gain positive momentum after stochastic rally towards 80 level. Managing to hold within the minor bullish channel near 192.15. Trading ...
GBPJPY Price Analysis Expected Scenario The GBPJPY pair achieved some gains yesterday by touching 192.50 barrier. The weak positive momentum forced it to provide new negative close and ...
Scenarios and Trading Range The GBPJPY pair succeeded to face the recent negative pressures by testing the additional support 190.15, to form solid obstacle against moving to the negative track, ...