Copper Technical Analysis provides the latest technical analysis of Copper. Through this page you may keep track of any changes in Copper Prices by our live technical updates around the clock. Technical analysis helps you predict the trend of Copper Rates by the use of technical indicators.

Copper price - Last update: 2024-04-18 21:20PM UTC
Copper Price Analysis Expected Scenario The copper price remains in sideways trades due to frequent consolidation below the 4.4200$ barrier. Stochastic decline below 80 level confirms ...
Expected Scenarios Copper price failed to get the positive momentum, fluctuating within a sideways range below $4.4200 barrier. Increased chances of activating a correctional bearish track ...
Scenarios and Trading Range Expected Scenarios Copper price continued to provide intraday sideways trades Attempting to get the additional positive momentum to confirm the bullish scenario for ...
Scenarios and Trading Range Copper price approached the first main target at 4.4200$ on last Friday, and started to gain profits by bouncing towards 2.2600$, in order to gather the additional ...
Copper Price Analysis Expected Scenario The copper price has shown stability above the initial support at $4.1500. There are indications of potential upward pressure towards the $4.3000 ...
Copper Price Analysis Expected Scenario The Copper price didn’t achieve any positive gains and fluctuated below the 4.3000$ level again, affected by stochastic exit from the ...
Copper price kept its fluctuation since morning near 4.3000 level, attempting to find an exit to resume the suggested main bullish attack, the positivity caused by the repeated stability within the ...
Copper Price Analysis Expected Scenario The Copper price extended towards the first positive target at $4.3000, facing a 38.2% Fibonacci correction level and settling near it. Positive ...
Copper Price Analysis Expected Scenario The Copper price continued to provide positive trades recently, settling within the bullish track that depends on the stability of the major support ...
Copper Price Analysis Expected Scenario The copper price remains stable above the additional support of $3.9500. It has recorded some recent gains, reaching $4.2500 and settling near this ...